IRAN ALUMINIUM COMPANY (IRALCO), Would like to invite eligible suppliers for the supply of–120,000 MT, Metallurgical Grade Calcined Alumina (AL2O3) on tender basis.k
Interested companies are allowed to send their competitive offer till–25 -December -2022 based on our required instruction to following addresses:k
Address 1: PO Box 31, opposite Bahonar Park, Natural Resources Boulevard, Arak- Iran
Postal code: 3818998116
Name of office: Secretariat of the Trading Commission, Iranian Aluminum Company
Attention: Mr. Omidi
Tel: +98 86 32162014
Tel: +98 86 32162181
Address 2: NO.49, Mollasadra Ave., Vanak Square, Tehran- Iran
Postal code: 1991614581
Name of office: Managing Director Office, Iranian Aluminum Company
Attention: Mr. Vesali
Fax: +98 21 88049028
Tel: +98 21 88049024
:For obtaining tender’s documents and more information, please download attached file
Public Relations Department of Iran Aluminum Company
Hi sir,
thank you for your message.you can refer to our tender terms and specification.